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'Generalcounsel' Blog Posts

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Tag: Generalcounsel
A smiling woman works at her desk with a pen in hand. Her child hugs her from behind, as the Flex Legal branding envelopes them.
October 27 2021

The future of work: what hybrid means for the legal industry

The legal industry finds itself in the midst of a huge upheaval. The COVID-19 pandemic proved that remote working in law works, and the "Great Resignation" has seen legal professionals leaving their firms in search of better life / work conditions. As we rebuild, we must ask if this new hybrid model is here to stay? Read this longform article to find the answer to this burning question.
October 13 2020

What Can Businesses Expect From A Second Wave?

A few weeks ago, we were delighted to welcome Ehsan Haque and Daniel Morgan as guest speakers at our Virtual GC Session in collaboration with LexisNexis and Radius Law. Ehsan is the Global Head of Legal and Compliance at Hamilton Capital, and Daniel is Managing Partner at Haines Watts. The topic for the call surrounded the second wave of COVID-19 and its potential impacts on businesses.