Midlands In-house Event: Building the legal team of the future

sophie gould
The Midlands In-house Forum will bring together an array of teams from across the thriving Midlands In-house legal community, from paralegals to general counsel.
For our very first session, we'll look at 'Building the legal team of the future', hosted by Sophie Gould, Head of Learning and Development at Flex Legal, and Ian Leedham, European Legal Director at LKQ Europe.
We'll be joined by some fantastic guest speakers to deliver their insights on how to secure the best legal talent for your business, from how an in-house legal department can support an apprentice and the potential benefits it offers, to an introduction to Flex Legal's brand new in-house SQE training scheme to support social mobility in the legal profession.
Dan Kayne, as Founder of the O Shaped Lawyer, will also talk through their innovative programme which aims to promote a cultural change in the legal industry, placing people and human behaviours at the heart of a more modern, progressive legal profession.
Chaired by Mary Bonsor, CEO of Flex Legal, we'll be hosting a panel with:
- Dan Kayne, GC at Network Rail and Founder of the O Shaped Lawyer
- Paul Frith, Executive Manager at The University of Law
- Ceri Evans, Director of Apprenticeships at The University of Law
- Teagan Williams, Apprentice Solicitor at Severn Trent Water (completing the SQE1/2)