April 5 2023
5 Top Tips for Legal Assessment Centres
Law firm assessment centres are notoriously challenging. They are designed to push you and to establish how well you perform under pressure. It can’t be denied that they are incredibly competitive… but they're not impossible. Here are our top 5 tips to give you the edge and help you succeed!
September 2 2022
Paralegal Spotlight: Roman Tokaryk
Our Paralegal Spotlight is being cast in the direction of the fantastic Roman Tokaryk! Roman joined the platform late last year, and has since made waves on his lengthy placement with Williams Advanced Engineering. Watch Roman talk about his Flex experience!
May 17 2022
How interim legal work improves Rebecca's work/life balance
Rebecca has been working as an interim lawyer through Flex Legal since January. We had a quick chat with her to discuss how interim working has drastically improved her work/life balance, and to see what advice she’d give to any aspiring lawyers.
May 10 2022
What to expect from your Flex Legal onboarding interview
Every paralegal who applies to Flex Legal needs to complete an onboarding interview. This post covers what to expect from the interview itself, as well as what you should take care of before and after the interview.
March 11 2022
From competitive sport to lawtech with Tom Dunlop
Dan Kayne is Founder of the O Shaped Lawyer, and a GC at Network Rail. In this episode of the podcast, he talks with Louise Anderson about how and why he wants to make the legal industry more human-centric.
January 31 2022
Paralegal Spotlight: Giana Narciso
Giana Narciso is the subject of 2022's first Paralegal Spotlight! Watch Giana talk about her experiences working through Flex, and her advice to other aspiring legal professionals, in the video here!
January 4 2022
How to: give good answers in legal job interviews
Legal job interviews are terrifying affairs riddled with intimidating questions. But they don't have to be! Here's our comprehensive guide on giving good answers in legal job interviews.
February 16 2021
How Flex helped Ali secure a paralegal role at UserZoom
We catch up with Ali, who recently landed a permanent position as UserZoom following a Flex Legal placement. He shares all kinds of helpful tips and advice for making the most of Flex positions.
September 9 2020
Interview with Chris Kelly, Legal Counsel at Bloomberg
Kristina Ravic, Head of Client Services at F-LEX, spoke with Chirs Kelly, Legal Counsel at Bloomberg, about his career and advice for Junior Lawyers.
February 22 2023
How Phoenix Group are improving legal industry diversity
Flex Trainee is our SQE qualification programme, designed to help diverse, talented aspiring lawyers from socially mobile backgrounds get into the industry. We had a chat with Sarah Gormley, Head of General Counsel Operational Excellence at Phoenix Group, to hear about their experience of the scheme so far.
June 20 2022
A Q&A with Flex Legal's longest-standing interim lawyer
Daniele was the first ever interim lawyer we on-boarded onto the Flex platform. Since then, he's thrived on two long-term placements and made such an incredible impact with our clients throughout. Take a read to see what he has to say about working as an interim lawyer through Flex!
May 16 2022
How Marciano advanced his legal career through interim work
Marciano has been working as an interim paralegal through Flex Legal since October 2020. We’re so proud of the fantastic work he has carried out at various top law firms through Flex, and so we had a quick chat with him to discuss his journey so far and to see what advice he'd give to any other aspiring legal professionals.
May 9 2022
A Q&A with Maaike de Bie, GC at easyJet
For the latest instalment of our Junior Lawyer Lunches, we hosted a Q&A session with Maaike de Bie, GC at easyJet. Take a read to learn all about Maaike’s legal career so far, and what skills she believes have been key to her success.
March 8 2022
International Women's Day: Q&A with Flex's female interim lawyers
For International Women's Day 2022, we had a chat with some of the fabulous female interim lawyers on our platform to ask them why law, why interim and what advice they'd give to any aspiring female legal professionals who wish to progress in the industry.
January 21 2022
Life on the cutting edge of law with Kiran Radhakishnan
Kiran Radhakrishnan is Head of Norton Rose Fulbright's Newcastle Hub, and NRF Transform (EMEA). He sits down with Mary Bonsor to discuss legal trainee schemes, how they're looking to shape the industry, and the opportunities and challenges ahead of them.
July 20 2021
Top Interview Tips for Law Students
Facing a job interview for your first law position is a scary thing – especially when you’re still a student. Whether it’s for an internship, a paralegal role, a training position, or anything else, landing an interview can be both exciting and scary in equal measure.
November 26 2020
Jess and Chloe answer your Assessment Centre questions
We put some of YOUR burning questions about law firm assessment centres to two brilliant legal professionals - Jess Heap, ofLatham & Watkins LLP, and Chloe Lloyd of Gowling WLG. Read what they had to say!
November 23 2022
Flex Trainee: how Next 15 found the perfect SQE trainee
Flex Trainee is our SQE qualification programme, designed to help diverse, talented aspiring lawyers from socially mobile backgrounds get into the industry. We had a chat with Mark Sanford, General Counsel at Next15 Communications, about their experience of the scheme so far.
May 20 2022
Paralegal Spotlight: Adilla Jamaludin
We're casting our Paralegal Spotlight on the wonderful Adilla Jamaludin! Adilla has been on the Flex platform since January this year, and was quickly snatched up for a Family Law placement. Learn more about Adilla's Flex journey by watching her spotlight video!
May 11 2022
Here comes the Next-Gen: Flex Legal's Future Lawyers Report 2022/23
Flex Legal, in association with the O Shaped Lawyer, are excited to release the findings of our Future Lawyers Survey. Conducted with 418 next-gen lawyers, this report records how they feel about the legal industry, and what change they want to see. Read the full report here.
April 28 2022
Life and diversity at the Bar with Oscar Davies
Oscar Davies is a practicing barrister at Lamb Chambers, and was the first barrister in the UK to publicly identify as non-binary. Oscar and Louise have a thought-provoking discussion about the Bar, why legal TV shows aren't representative, and diversity within the law.
February 11 2022
How to make the legal industry more human with Dan Kayne
Dan Kayne is Founder of the O Shaped Lawyer, and a GC at Network Rail. In this episode of the podcast, he talks with Louise Anderson about how and why he wants to make the legal industry more human-centric.
January 7 2022
A better way to work in law with The Modern Family Law Company
Melissa Kelly and Deborah Baxter are founding partners of The Modern Family Law Company. They sat down with Louise Anderson to discuss the often hard realities of working in family law, and the wider legal industry.
April 30 2021
April '21 Paralegal of the Month: Julia Wilson
Congratulations to our April 2021 Paralegal of the Month, Julia! We were fortunate enough to have Julia sign up to work through Flex in January, and were quickly able to get her working on a fantastic placement with Trustpilot. Read what she has to say here!
November 23 2020
10 essential tips to ace assessment centres
Law firm assessment centres are notoriously challenging - but they're not impossible. These 10 tips can give you the little bit of know-how to give you the edge you need to succeed.