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Junior Lawyer Lunch Event: Legal industry culture and ethics


sophie gould

sophie gould

March Junior Lawyer Lunch Blog Banner

In association with The Law Society and LexisNexis, for our March Junior Lawyer Lunch Event we'll be hosting a panel of senior lawyers to listen to what you as junior lawyers feel about the culture and ethics of the legal industry currently.

Joining us on the panel will be: Lubna Shuja, VP of the Law SocietyJoss Saunders, GC and Company Secretary at OxfamNatalie Salunke, GC and Head of Legal at RVU; and Laura Uberoi, Senior Finance Solicitor at Macfarlanes.

With more and more junior solicitors experiencing 'blame culture' and unreasonable pressure in the work place, many are burdened with mountains of work, impossible deadlines and feel afraid to admit to any mistakes made. At Flex Legal, we want to promote a culture of 'good learning' - where juniors are able to learn from mistakes and thrive; as well as ensuring that organisations are informing you effectively on ethical issues.

In this session, we're going to address this legal industry culture, and give you the opportunity to be heard by a panel of senior lawyers, from both law firms and in-house teams. We'll talk about common ethical issues faced, and how you can become more informed. You'll also have the chance to share your concerns in small breakout rooms, each led by a senior lawyer.

Following the event, we will collect all your feedback and use this to promote change in the legal profession.