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July 15

Litigation Funding: What good looks like

Industry Insights

Mary Bonsor

Mary Bonsor

A green and yellow background with a glass jar of money and a short stem of a plant coming out of it

This report casts a light on some best practice rules for working with litigation funders. As interest in collective redress continues to increase, and as the litigation funding market matures, there has never been a starker need for litigators to present and manage their matters effectively.

Here, we tackle this problem head-on. With direct input from the investment team at Therium, a leading global litigation finance firm, we present inside knowledge on how to work effectively with funders.

Spread of pages from the report, 'Litigation Funding: What good looks like'

What is included in the report?

  • Master the fundamentals of successfully securing litigation funding.
  • Learn what funders actually want to see in your finance applications.
  • How to prepare a professional project management plan for scoping and running large cases.
  • How to manage and review your funding requirements as matters develop.
  • What a good finance application looks like.